Understanding the world

Catholic Saints Biography Research Project and Presentation - 30 Saints Included
This biography research project includes 30 different Catholic Saints. Students are required to complete a biography research project and write a prayer to the saint researched.
Teach your students how to pray to a saint using the one page text and easily assess the project with the biography research rubric and the oral presentation rubric.
Project includes:
30 Saint Biography Worksheets pre-made with Saint Pictures
Cover page to make the project into a folder with biography and prayer
Two versions of the written prayer page (one with saint picture and one where students draw the saint.)
Teacher dialogue/handout to teach how to pray to a saint
Two Grading Rubrics/Grading Scales - Biography and Oral Presentation
This project is geared towards 3rd-6th grade, but the project could easily be adapted to be used with younger or older students, especially students receiving their sacraments!